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General Dentistry Services

Dental Care"

Dental Examinations

At Fylde Dental Clinic we are taking on new patients for your routine checkups. This includes checking the health of your mouth, teeth and gums, and a scale and polish to make them shine! We will then discuss your oral hygiene routine and any treatment options with you.

Composite Fillings

Do you want your fillings to look like natural teeth? We can use nearly invisible composite fillings that are tooth-coloured. They can also be used in the reshaping of teeth as well as closing small gaps.

Teeth Whitening

This is an easy procedure that is safe , easy and affordable. A whitening gel is placed in closely fitting trays that are worn overnight for between 10-21 days. During this period the teeth will gradually begin to lighten.


For cracks, chips, misshapen or discoloured teeth these thin porcelain covers ,which fit precisely over the visible surface of the front teeth, can be applied.

Root Canal Treatment

When a nerve has died or a tooth has become infected, this treatment can help to retain a tooth. The nerve is removed, and the root canal is cleaned and filled, thus preserving the tooth. Most root-filled teeth will in due course need to have crowns in order to strengthen them.


Some teeth that have been weakened may need a crown. A crown is a tooth shaped cap that is placed over the tooth to restore its shape and size.


A dental implant is a long term solution for replacing missing teeth. Implants are placed directly into your jawbone and can support crowns or dentures.


Our custom-fitted gumshields, which are made in our own dental lab, not only help protect teeth from loss and damage during sporting activities, but also offer jaw and gum protection. The gumshields are close- fitting, durable, hard-wearing, and they can be made for the patient within three days.